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HanuMan producer Chaitanya Reddy reveals dismal profits from the blockbuster: 'Made only...'

Chaitanya Reddy, the producer of HanuMan, is ready with her new Telugu film Darling which is up for a release on July 19, 2024. 

HanuMan producer Chaitanya Reddy reveals dismal profits from the blockbuster: 'Made only...'

Chaitanya Reddy on HanuMan profits

Last Updated: 03.30 PM, Jul 09, 2024


HanuMan is a smash hit at the box office and made just over Rs 300 crore at the box office. Niranjan Reddy produced the film on a meager budget and stuck gold at the box office. Now, the same banner is ready with their new movie Darling, featuring Priyadarshi and Nabha Natesh as the main leads.

The film is all set to hit the screens on July 19, 2024, and the unique aspect is that Nirajan Reddy's wife, Chaitanya Reddy, has produced the film on her own. As the film is all set to release soon, she is giving interviews to the media and her statements have made headlines. 

Chaitanya Reddy on HanuMan's profit percentage

One of her statements from her interview has caught our attention. As HauMan was a smash hit, Chaitanya was asked how much money they made with the film. Not shying away, Chaitanya Reddy said, "Out of the money spent on the film, we only made 10%. The rest of the amount went to the distributors. We made the film on a calculated budget and sold it for a marginal profit. But the ones who bought the film from us made big money from HanuMan,".

Promotional still for HanuMan
Promotional still for HanuMan

Chaitanya Reddy opens up on Darling

This is something quite interesting as the news is that the banner made crores of money. Speaking about the same, Chaitanya says that even for her new film Dalring, they did not spend much and made the film on a calculated budget.

The romantic comedy is about a husband who finds out that his wife has split personality disorder and faces hell from her. Aswin Ram has directed this film, which also marks the comeback of Nabha Natesh after her life-threatening accident.

Darling movie poster
Darling movie poster

Well, we need to see how much this film makes at the box office when it comes out. On the other hand, the banner is planning to do at least three films a year and is in big plans for the sequel of HanuMan. Titled Jai HanuMan, Chaitanya Reddy says the sequel will go on floors in the first half of 2025.

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