Directed by Mikhil Musale, Wrong Side Raju is a 2016 Gujarati thriller film. The movie is inspired by a real life hit and run case which happened in 2013 in Ahmedabad, starring Pratik Gandhi, Asif Basra and Kimberley Louisa McBeath. The storyline of this film revolves around the life of Raju, a driver who dreams to open his own travel agency but doesn’t have enough money. He gets employed by an industrialist, Amitabh Shah to drive around his son, Tanmay Shah. The story continues and depicts how Raju gets stuck in the case of a hit and run accident because of Amitabh’s son. Raju’s life becomes a thrill just because he falls in love with Shaily, Tanmay’s friend. At the end, he reunites with Shaily in Paris. This movie won the National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Gujarati at 64th National Film Awards.
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