There is an old saying that Life is a Circle where what goes around, comes around in the most unexpected way. The story begins with a young couple who abandons their new-born. Being uninvited, the baby grew up with hearing and speaking disabilities. Furthermore, he was then captured by a local mob who forces him into begging. Not knowing this life might be drowned in darkness, he still had his innocent smile. One day the gang got ambushed by Police and he was left behind, with nowhere to go and was only accompanied by hunger. Light starts to shine upon him when he was found by a photographer. He was later adopted and grew up learning the skills of photo capturing. He has a deeper observation towards life, expresses good values through his lenses and educating those he crosses path with his innocent smiles. One fine evening while completing his daily routine, he found an elderly lady left all alone in a lonely street. She begged him for food and that reminds him of his early days, without any hesitation he took the lady under his shelter not knowing that it was his mother. He made us to wonder, who the real handicaps are?
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