Directed and co-written by Faisal Hashmi, Vitamin She is a Gujarati comedy film released in the year 2017. The film stars Bhakti Kubavat, Dhvanit Thaker, Maulik Nayak and Smit Pandya. The storyline of this film revolves around the life of Jigar, played by Dhvanit Thaker. Jigar is a fun-loving guy who works in an insurance company. After being single for a long time, Jigar’s friends convince him that he needs Vitamin She which means a girl in his life to make his life more jolly and colorful. He meets Shruti, played by Bhakti Kubavat accidentally and falls in love with her. Everything was going well but after sometime they both started fighting with each other on small things. Jigar’s illusion of eternal love breaks and he realizes that love comes with an expiry date. But at the end Shruti and Jigar realise what true love is and they get united. This film is one of the highest grossing gujarati films of recent times and received many appreciations. Actor Smit Pandya won Gujarat Iconic Film Awards- GIFA for Best Actor in Comic Role for this movie.
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