Viruman is a Tamil action-drama film that follows the virtuous Viruman as he battles against his narcissistic and arrogant father Muniyandi, who is responsible for many heinous things like letting his sister Dhanam die and compelling his wife Muthulakshmi to burn herself to death after coming to know of his affair. As Viruman grows up he wants his father to pay for his sins, and help his brothers get away from the sinister clutches of Muniyandi. Produced by the Tamil actor Suriya under his 2D Entertainment banner, the film features his brother Karthi in the lead role. Written and directed by M. Muthaiah, the film also features performances from a debuting Aditi Shankar, Rajkiran, Prakash Raj, Saranya Ponvannan, Soori, Karunas, Vadivukkarasi, R. K. Suresh, Vasumithra, Manoj Bharathiraja, and Rajkumar among others. Distributed by Sakthi Film Factory, the film's cinematography has been directed by Selvakumar S. K., with Venkat Raajen handling the editing of the film. The film's soundtrack has been provided by Yuvan Shankar Raja. The film garnered box-office success upon release, grossing an estimated ₹60 crores worldwide.
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