Vickida No Varghodo (2022) is a Gujarati comedy drama film written and directed by Rahul Bhole and Vinit Kanojia. The film follows the life of Vikar Majethia a.k.a Vicky, who is getting married in a celebratory way. Things take a complicated turn when two of his ex-girlfriends unexpectedly show up for the wedding. The crux of the plot centres around who Vicky would get married to, much to the anxiety of the girls and especially his father. The film features performances from Malhar Thakar, Monal Gajjar, Manasi Rachh, Jhinal Belani, Anurag Prapanna and Alpana Buch, among others. Produced by Sharad Patel, Shreyanshi Patel, Vikas Agarwal, and Pankaj Keshruwala under the banners of SP Cinecorp, Janvi Productions, and Rishiv Films, the film is distributed by Rupam Entertainment Pvt Ltd and SP Cinecorp Cinematic Ventures. The film is another commercial success under the belt of established producer Sharad Patel, who has previously produced blockbusters like "Chhelo Divas"
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