Directed by Tom Gormican and produced by Nicolas Cage, Mike Nilon, Kristen Burr and Kevin Turen, the American action comedy film revolves around a fictionalised version of Cage, played by himself, who feels creatively unfulfilled and is in financial ruin. He ends up begrudgingly accepting a $1 million offer to attend the birthday party of a billionaire super-fan. Things take a wild turn when Cage is recruited by a CIA operative and is forced to become a version of some of his most iconic characters in order to extricate his wife and daughter from the fan, whom the CIA has informed to be a notorious arms dealer. With the screenplay co-written by Gormican and Kevin Etten and cinematography by Nigel Bluck, the cast includes Pedro Pascal, Sharon Horgan, Tiffany Haddish, Neil Patrick Harris and Demi Moore, among others.
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