Un Samayal Arayil, is a 2014 lighthearted rom-com film directed by Prakash Raj. Filled with funny yet sweet exchanges and dialogues, the movie is sure to leave you with a smile. The movie revolves around Kalidasa , an archeologist and Gowri, a dubbing artist. The two have one thing in common, their love for food. Gowri misdialed Kalidasa and from there their love story began. Insecure to meet, the two sent their friends to pose as them to go meet. Little did they know that they both did the same and from here we see another love story. Naveen tells Kalidasa that Gowri is not suitable for him and so does Meghna to Gowri. The two try to forget about eachother but end up meeting face to face realising that it was all a big mix up and everyone is happy with who they ended up with.
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