"The Killer: A Girl Who Deserves to Die" is a 2022 South Korean action thriller directed by Choi Jae-hoon. It stars Jang Hyuk as Bang Ui-gang, a retired assassin who becomes entangled in a web of deceit and violence when he reluctantly agrees to look after Kim Yoon-ji, a troubled teenager. As Ui-gang delves deeper into Yoon-ji's world, he uncovers a sinister human trafficking ring involving corrupt officials and the Russian mafia. With gripping action sequences and intense performances, the film follows Ui-gang's relentless pursuit of justice as he battles against powerful adversaries to protect Yoon-ji and unravel the truth behind her identity. Featuring a stellar cast including Lee Seo-young, Bruce Khan, and Bang Eun-jung, "The Killer" delivers a thrilling ride filled with suspense and intrigue.
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