The 1997 American thriller film is directed by David Andrew Fincher, who is well known for his psychological thrillers and biographical dramas such as Seven (1995), Fight Club (1999), and Gone Girl (2014). Written by John Brancato and Michael Ferris, the plot revolves around Nicholas Van Orton, an affluent investment banker who is estranged from his ex-wife, and younger brother Conrad. On his 48th birthday, Conrad gifts him a voucher for a game that drowns him in a series of unexpected events. Starring Michael Douglas in the lead, the rest of the cast include Sean Penn, Deborah Kara Unger, James Rebhorn, Peter Donat, Carroll Baker, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Anna Katarina, Charles Martinet, Mark Boone Junior, Tommy Flanagan, Spike Jonze, Linda Manz, and Daniel Schorr.
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