Directed by Erik Poppe, the Swedish history drama film is based on the 1949 book by Vilhelm Moberg. With a screenplay by Anna Bache-Wiig and Siv Rajendram Eliassen, the film revolves around the journey of a few people as they emigrate to the United States from Sweden in the 1840s. The cast for this film include Gustaf Skarsgård, Sofia Helin, Díana Bermudez, singer-songwriter Tove Lo, Lisa Carlehed, Mikkel Bratt Silset, Stig Henrik Hoff, Laurence Kinlan and Owen Crow Shoe, along with Hannes Fohlin, Duncan Green, Emelie Dahlskog, Lena-Pia Bernhardsson, Stefan Cronwall, Eric Stern, Lena Strömdahl, Pedram Hajigholi and Ola Normelli. John Christian Rosenlund and Einar Egeland serve as the DOP and the editor for this film, respectively.
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