Written & directed by Nirav Barot and produced by Ajay Patel, Thai Jashe! is a 2016 Gujarati drama film. The film stars Manoj Josshi, Malhar Thakar, Monal Gajjar and Kumkum Das. The film represents the difficulties of a middle class man and his family. Pranav Joshi, played by Malhar Thakar moves to Ahmedabad city and lives on rent. His father’s dyeing factory goes bankrupt and they have to leave Jetpur. The Landlord lady where Pranav lives, taunts him & his family everyday even on small things and hence Pranav decides to buy a house of his own in the metro city. Thai Jashe! deals with practical problems faced by middle-class men. The film name literally gives the message “Will be done” which means just go with the flow and don’t worry. The film has received many awards including the Best Film, Best Writer and Best Actor Award at 16th Annual Transmedia Gujarati Screen and Stage Awards.
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