Style is a 2001 Indian Hindi - language film directed and produced by N. Chandra. It is a comedy thriller film starring Sharman Joshi, Sahil Khan, Riya Sen, Shilpi Sharma and Tara Deshpande. A sequel to this film was released in 2003 that was named Xmuse Me. The film revolves around two irresponsible college students, Bantu/Nehal and Chantu/Amit, who stand out in the college for their expertise in ragging and playing pranks, and ability to fool others. As their college life nears an end, the duo begin to realize that they need to start getting more serious about their life and career. They realise that they are not made for a life of struggle and hard work. Therefore, Bantu comes up with an idea to trick two rich girls into marrying them so that they can spend their lives comfortably which lead them to focus their attention on rich teenyboppers Sheena and Rani and set about wooing the two girls to win their love and ultimately the key to becoming rich. A mysterious woman named Nikki Malhotra enters the scene, and pretty soon Chantu and Bantu find themselves stuck in a murder mystery.
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