"The Touch" (1980), originally titled "Sparsh," is a heartwarming Indian drama directed and written by Sai Paranjape. The film follows Anirudh Parmar (played by Naseeruddin Shah), a blind man who has dedicated his life to running a school for the blind as its principal. One day, he meets Kavita (played by Shabana Azmi), a social worker who is immediately drawn to Anirudh's positive and resilient spirit. As they spend more time together, Anirudh and Kavita fall in love and decide to get married. However, Anirudh soon begins to have doubts about the marriage. He feels that Kavita is only with him out of pity and that she is patronizing him because of his disability. As their relationship becomes strained, Anirudh starts to question whether their marriage can survive these challenges.
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