Directed by Maria Schrader, the American drama film is produced by Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner. The screenplay, written by Rebecca Lenkiewicz, is an adaptation of the eponymous 2019 book by Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey. They are two The New York Times journalists that exposed Harvey Weinstein's history of abuse and misconduct against women. The film revolves around their work to break the news about Weinstein's sexual misconduct allegations, which kickstarted the #MeToo movement and shattered decades of silence around the topic of sexual assault, which is rampant in Hollywood. Starring Zoe Kazan and Carey Mulligan in the lead as Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey respectively, the rest of the cast includes Patricia Clarkson, Andre Braugher, Samantha Morton, Tom Pelphrey, Adam Shapiro, Jennifer Ehle, Peter Friedman and Mike Houston.
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