Directed by Neeraj Joshi, Sharato Lagu is 2018 Gujarati comedy drama film. The film stars Deeksha Joshi, Malhar Thakar, Alpana Buch, Prashant Barot, Chhaya Vora and Hemant Jha. The film represents the life of Satyavrat, played by Malhar Thakar and Savitri,played by Deeksha Joshi and how the two opposite personalities get married to each other after some ups and downs. Savitri is a veterinarian and loves animals while Satyavrat loves to save water and eat non-veg and because of differences in opinions, there are clashes between both of them but they finally understand each other and get married. The film also gives some social messages including the message of Live-in relationships. The dialogues and acting is amazing. This film is a gujarati remake of the marathi movie Chi Va Chi Sau Ka.
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