Directed and produced by Ajay Devgn, the Indian thriller drama is inspired by the true events of Jet Airways Doha to Kochi flight 9W 555, a Boeing 737–800 aircraft that narrowly escaped disaster on August 18, 2015, when it attempted to land on Cochin International Airport at 5:45 a.m. owing to terrible weather and poor visibility. The film has Ajay Devgn, Amitabh Bachchan, Boman Irani, Rakul Preet Singh, Angira Dhar, Aakanksha Singh and Ajey Nagar in lead roles.
The film was initially titled Mayday and written by Sandeep Kewlani and Aamil Keeyan Khan. The cinematography was done by Aseem Bajaj and edited by Dharmendra Sharma.
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