Ravanaprabhu was director Ranjith's debut in the Malayalam industry, which was also the sequel to the 1993 film Devaasuram written by Ranjith. This action-drama film was released in 2001 in which Mohanlal performed in dual roles as Mangalassery Neelakandan and Mangalassery Karthikeyan. The story explores the deteriorating relationship between a father and son due to the son's money-making methods. Both the father and son's role was acted out by Mohanlal in an effortless way where a kidnapping takes place as a result of revenge. As the plot develops so does the tension between Karthikeyan and Janaki after Janki was kidnapped by him and they both fell in love with each other. Ravanaprabhu became a classic with some dialogues and punch lines of Mohanlal becoming quite famous. During the release of KGF, Yash in an interview, phrases a punch line of Mohanlal from his evergreen classic Ravanaprabhu "Savari Giri Giri. "
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