Randhawa, a 2019 movie, is directed by Sunil Acharya and does not provide any OTT platforms. It is a Kannada action-thriller film, starring Bhuvann Ponnannaa playing the role of a wildlife photographer and a royal from the 19th century. The film depicts the dilemma that the protagonist goes through when he gets stuck between his present life and past life and dreams about strange visions. He gets into confusion and tries to find answers regarding his relation to King Randhawa. Bhuvann suffered a back and neck injury during the shooting for this movie, but this film marked a turning point for him as a hero. This Kannada movie marks the first protagonist break for Bhuvann, for which he strived a great deal after committing to antagonist roles on Television. Few days before the release of Randhawa, Bhuvann was helping the people of North Karnataka after it was hit by flood.
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