Directed and co-written by Satish Rajwade, Premachi Goshta is a Marathi romance film released in 2013. This film stars Atul Kulkarni and Sagarika Ghatge in lead roles. Rohini Hattangadi, Sulekha Talwalkar, Meera Welankar, Ajay Purkar and Satish Rajwade in supporting roles. The film represents the story of two strangers named Ram, performed by Atul Kulkarni and Sonal, performed by Sagarika Ghatge. Both of them are not satisfied with their marriage and hence goes to a marriage counselor where they (Ram & Sonal) meet for the very first time. They both meet each other again unknowingly at Ram’s office where Sonal comes to find a job for her. She gets the job. Eventually both Ram & Sonal start developing feelings for each other. After a lot of ups & downs and some twists, they are finally able to confess their feelings to each other. Here comes the end of this beautiful and simple romantic movie.This film is the debut of Sagarika Ghatge in Marathi Cinema. Atul Kulkarni is also seen acting for the romantic role for the first time.
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