Written and directed by Dharmesh Mehta, Pappa Tamne Nahi Samjaay is a Gujarati comedy drama film released in the year 2017. The film stars Manoj Joshi, Ketki Dave, Shraddha Dangar, Bhavya Gandhi and Johnny Lever. The storyline of the film revolves around the generation gap between a father and his son. As Munjal Mehta, played by Bhavya Gandhi has now started going to college, there are differences in opinion between him and his father Hasmukhlal, played by Manoj Joshi. And now Hasmukhlal is trying his best to bridge the gap which came between him and his son. The film motivates, inspires and touches your hearts emotionally because of the realistic approach used in this movie. The acting, dialogues, cinematography, production and sound is written very well. The film was the acting debut of Bhavya Gandhi and Shraddha Dangar in Gujarati cinema.
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