Paanch is a 2003 Indian crime thriller film written and directed by Anurag Kashyap. This film is loosely based on the 1977- 76 Joshi - Abhyankar serial murders in Pune. The movie follows the journey of four friends Luke, Murgi, Joy and Pondi who play in a band along with a girl named Shiuli. The four boys are on a path of destruction and often indulge in unlawful practices like drugs, alcohol and women. Luke, their leader is the one who provides them all of these as well as basic necessities of life like food and shelter. Shiuli, on the other hand, sleeps with rich men in exchange of money. In order to improve their financial condition, the boys plan a kidnapping of their friend Nikhil who is also involved in the plan and just wants to extract money from his rich father. Eventually, Shiuli is also involved in the plan. But, things start to go wrong when Luke murders Nikhil in a fit of rage. This results in a police investigation causing panic among the group but they are forced to stay quiet and not go to the police as they fear Luke.
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