Directed and co-written by Dhwani Gautam, Order Order Out of Order is a Gujarati Drama film released in the year 2019. The concept of this film was given by Shyam Khandhedia. The film stars Gaurav Paswala, Raunaq Kamdar, Prashant Barot, Anang Desai, Hemang Dave, Prem Gadhvi and Jinal Belani. The storyline of this film revolves around the life of two brothers. Raj Thakar and Yash Thakar are killing their inner demons of greed and everything. And now they’ve decided to run on the path of Truth, justice and honesty. While getting trained as lawyers, they have decided to open their own firm. And while fighting some cases, one case changes their lives and brings them down in commotion. The film is a family man and has all the elements like Humor, court-room drama, etc. The team of this film has done a great job if we talk from direction and production point of view. The script and background music too, is excellent.
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