Directed by Shafi, this Malayalam film, One Man Show, was released in the year 2001. This comedy-drama stars Jayaram, Samyuktha Varma, and Lal in the lead roles. The plot explores a television show where the male protagonist goes back and forth into his past. The television show named similar to “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” takes place in the movie where Jayaram plays the role of Jayakrishnan and takes part in the show only to reminisce about his past. The story has thrill, suspense, romance, but mostly surprises. Jayakrishnan is a lawyer in the movie and ends up proving that an insane man, Hari Narayanan, is a perfectly sane man, thereby freeing him after confinement in a mental asylum for the past few years. Things tend to turn up, and surprises coming along the way are never-ending when everyone starts to think of Jayakrishnan losing his mind and Radhika, the love of his life, ends up in jail.
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