No Country for Old Men, a 2007 movie, is directed by Joel Coen and Ethan Coen. It is an American western crime film involving thrillers, based on the 2005 novel with the same name by Cormac McCarthy. The movie stars Tommy Lee Jones as Ed Tom Bell, and Javier Bardem as Anton Chigurh. The movie is set in 1980 in Texas when a hitman, Anton Chigurh, escapes from the police by strangling a Deputy Sheriff. Llewelyn Moss, on the other hand, finds two million dollars in a briefcase while hunting pronghorns after a drug deal goes bad. A game of cat and dog takes place when Moss and Anton fight over the two million dollars. Despite Sharif Bell’s protection over Moss, he ends up dying in the parking lot while Anton retrieves the money from Moss’ room. The last scene shows Bell being retired from his job as he feels "overmatched" by the recent violence.
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