Directed by Krishnadev Yagnik, Naadi Dosh is a Gujarati romantic-drama film that follows Riddhi and Kevin, two new-age lovers who shrewdly tackle the issue of 'Naadi Dosh' — a cosmic mismatch or 'dosh' between two astrological charts of individuals which can cause issues in their married life. The film features performances from Yash Soni, Janki Bodiwala, Raunaq Kamdar, Prashant Barot, Dipika Raval, Ashish Kakkad, Ravi Gohil, Maitri Joshi, Ridham Rajyaguru, Karan Dave, Ratilal Parmar, Rahul Goswami, Kalpesh Shukal, Ronak Madgut, Chinmay Parmar, and Ditya Mistry. Written by Krishnadev Yagnik himself, the film's cinematography has been directed by Prashant Gohel and Haresh Bhanushali. With a soundtrack from Kedar-Bhargav, the film has been produced by Nilay Chotai, Munna Shukul, Harshad Shah, and Bhaumik Gondaliya under the banners of Ananta Businesscorp, Shukul Studios, and Big box series, with Panorama Studios handling the distribution.
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