Myth is a psychological thriller comedy that delves into the intriguing world of dissociative identity disorder (DID). The movie revolves around Natasha, the lead actress, who grapples with her condition while leading a double life. On the surface, Natasha portrays herself as a confident and glamorous persona in the social media world, trying her best to be the epitome of coolness. However, her true self is vastly different from the carefully crafted online image. Natasha's life revolves around her two best friends, Pragati and Mayank. While Mayank is deeply infatuated with Natasha, Pragati also harbors romantic feelings for him. This love triangle adds an element of tension and complexity to their friendship. As Natasha seeks love and companionship, she stumbles upon someone through her Instagram profile, a mysterious guy named Rishabh. The two begin dating, and for a while, Natasha finds happiness and excitement in their relationship. However, the plot takes a dark turn when she starts suspecting that something is amiss about Rishabh. Unraveling the mystery, Natasha discovers a shocking truth - the person she is dating, Rishabh, is already deceased. The revelation shatters her world and pushes her deeper into the realms of her dissociative identity disorder. As Natasha's sanity starts slipping, she must confront her inner demons and grapple with her own mind to discern reality from illusion. Throughout Myth, the movie takes the audience on a rollercoaster ride, blurring the lines between truth and falsehood, sanity and delusion. The film sheds light on the complexities of mental disorders, particularly dissociative identity disorder, challenging the misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding it. As Natasha's world unravels, Pragati and Mayank become her pillars of support, but their own feelings for each other create a compelling sub-plot, adding emotional depth to the narrative. Myth is a thought-provoking and gripping tale that explores the thin line between perception and reality, love and obsession, and the resilience of the human mind in the face of adversity. It is a rollercoaster of emotions, blending elements of psychological thrills, comedy, and tragedy to deliver an unforgettable cinematic experience.
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