Munich, a 2005 movie, is directed by Steven Spielberg. It is a historical film based on the 1984 book “Vengeance” by George Jonas. The movie stars Eric Bana as Avner Kaufman and Daniel Craig as Steve. The movie is set in 1972 when a terrorist group Black September kills 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team while Avner Kaufman gets chosen to lead a mission to assassinate 11 Palestinians involved in the massacre. Avner, on the other hand, resigns from Mossad to avoid operating with any official ties with Israel, creating a team that includes four Jewish volunteers from around the world. Towards the end of the movie, Avner gets thrown out of the Israeli consulate when he demands that Mossad should not bother his family. Meanwhile, Ephraim asks Avner to return to Israel and Mossad, but Avner refuses, inviting Ephraim to his family dinner, assuming that it can be an allegory to make peace. Ephraim refuses Avner’s proposal, indicating no signs of reconciliation.
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