Mumbai Pune Mumbai is a 2010 Indian-Marathi language film directed by Satish Rajwade. The film revolves around a girl from Mumbai who comes to Pune to reject a guy for marriage. However she spends her entire day with a stranger. The protagonists are unnamed in the film. The film follows the story of a girl who hails from Mumbai who comes to Pune. She comes all the way to reject the groom. When she asks a stranger for directions to the groom’s address. The guy chitchats with the girl and things become interesting. They spend the day sharing their personal stories and find each other’s company satisfying. At the end of the day when the girl is returning to her home via train, she gets to know that her prospective groom is none other than the stranger she spent the day with. Mumbai Pune Mumbai ends in the most filmy way. The girl boards the train and the guy has to wait for her answer. Will they meet again? Maybe. Maybe not. Only time will tell.
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