Mulan, a 1998 movie, is directed by Barry Cook and Tony Bancroft. It is an animated and historical film, involving action and adventure, based on the Chinese Legend of Hua Mulan, Disney's 36th animated feature, by Guo Maoqian. The movie stars Ming-Na Wen as Fa Mulan and BD Wong as Captain Li Shang. Fa Mulan determines to go on war instead of her parents when the Chinese Emperor orders one man from each family to join the Chinese army. In order to disguise herself as a man, Mulan cuts off her long hair. The movie goes forward with Mulan getting training for her military skills as well as manly skills secretly to behave like a man in front of others. Later, Captain Li Shang gets to know Mulan’s real identity and expels her from the army. However, Mulan gets along in single combat with the Hun leader, and as instructed, Mushu fires a large skyrocket at Shan Yu, resulting in his death.
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