Directed by Vijaygiri Bava and produced by Twinkle Vijaygiri, Montu Ni Bittu is a Gujarati drama film released in the year 2019. The film stars Aarohi Patel and Maulik Nayak. The story of the film revolves around the childhood friends Montu and Bittu. Montu, played by Maulik Nayak is in love with her best friend Bittu, played by Aarohi Patel; since their childhood. When Bittu is getting married, Montu and she are still friends and he hasn’t confessed his love. Everyone thinks that Montu is a suitable groom for Bittu and after this Montu makes things more complicated. The actors have portrayed the emotion very beautifully by their performances. Everything like cinematography, production, sound, direction and acting is on point. The director of this film Vijaygiri Bava received the Best Director Award at the 19th Transmedia Gujarat Screen & Stage Awards.
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