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Mizhi Randilum

  • Mystery
  • Drama
  • Comedy
  • 5.8OTTplay Rating
  • Malayalam
  • 2003
  • U
  • 1 Hr 59 Min
  • 1 Language
Theatrical Release date : May 16, 2003
OTT Release date : Jan 03, 2017

Mizhi Randilum comes from Ranjith with his direction and was released in the year 2003, starring Dileep and Kavya Madhavan in the leads. This film marks Narendra Prasad’s last movie, who was in the role of Bapuji(Musafir Babu). Penned by Ranjith, the story yearns towards unexpected love and trauma that awaits in Bhadra’s future. The film starts off with the problems that Bhadra goes through after she has to sell her house due to her brother's debts. Bhadra experiences heartbreak after she broke up with Dr.Arun, but as the story develops, so does her life. The script portrays a positive and happy ending when Bhadra and Krishnakumar confide in each other. Dileep and Kavya Madhavan, in the role of Bhadra and Krishnakumar, respectively, do justice to the character fully from Bhadra slipping into trauma to Krishnakumar’s taking care of her. The script offers romance, comedy, and tragedy altogether, which was well-received by the critics and the audience.

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