This Tamil biographical romantic musical comedy drama film follows the coming-of-age story of a young, ambitious boy named Adhi. His loving and supportive father sends him to an engineering college in the hopes that he will become successful and wealthy, but Adhi dreams of becoming an independent musician one day. His unconventional career path worries his parents but Adhi continues to persevere and chase his goals, despite the hardships that continue to pop up in his path. Meesaya Murukku is Hiphop Tamizha Adhi's directiorial debut with the duo also handling the writing, narration and music in the film. Hiphop Tamizha Adhi plays the lead role in the fictionalised account of his life, alongside Aathmika, Vivek, RJ Vigneshkanth and Vijayalakshmi in major roles. The film performed well, garnering praise for a decent directorial debut and was a commercial success thus prompting a Kannada remake titled Padde Huli.
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