Masoom, a 1983 movie, is directed by Shekhar Kapur. It is a comedy-drama film which follows the story of a happy family of Devendra Kumar Malhotra with his wife and two daughters. The story gets twisted when DK gets informed by someone that he has a son as well. He learns the truth from Masterji, Bhavana’s guardian, about his son, Rahul. DK reminisces about the time he spent with Bhavna in Nainital when Indu, his wife, gave delivery to Pinky. With Bhavana’s demise, Rahul, played by Jugal Hansraj, becomes DK’s responsibility. Indu, played by Shabana Azmi, is heartbroken at this sight and could not forgive DK for his betrayal. DK, unable to handle the drastic effects on his family because of his action, decides to send away Rahul in a boarding school. Towards the end of the movie, while Rahul reluctantly accepts to get admission in Nainital, he also learns the truth about DK being his father. Rahul runs away from home after learning the truth, although he accepts his heartbreak to Indu. Indu realizing the innocence of Rahul accepts him in the family and forgives DK wholeheartedly.
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