Serving as a sequel to Ramji Rao Speaking, Mannar Mathai Speaking is a Malayalam comedy thriller film directed by Mani C. Kappan and written by Siddique-Lal. The film features performances from Mukesh, Innocent, Sai Kumar, Vani Viswanath, Biju Menon, Geetha Vijayan, K. P. Ummer, Kaviyoor Ponnamma, Janardhanan, Indrans, Vijayaraghavan, Sukumari, Harisree Ashokan, and Cochin Haneefa. The film follows the story of Mannar Mathai, who runs a drama group called Urvashi Theatres. The leading actors of the troop are Gopalakrishnan and Balakrishnan, and Shakunthala, the main actress, leaves the company following a dispute with Gopalakrishnan. The troupe faces difficulties without a lead actress, and Gopalakrishnan takes it upon himself to find a new one.
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