Maheshinte Prathikaaram is a 2016 Indian Malayalam film directed by Dileesh Pothan. This is a comedy drama film which follows the story of Mahesh, a studio photographer who swears revenge, when he got humiliated by a random stranger for resolving a fight. Mahesh runs a photography studio with his father and has a good friend, Baby. When Baby gets in an argument, Mahesh intervenes and Jimson, dislikes his intrusion, beating him up. Mahesh feels embarrassed and swears revenge, until then he won’t wear slippers. As time passes by Mahesh learns a lot of things. Eventually Mahesh’s heart opens up and he falls in love with Jimsy, who happens to be Jimson's sister. Mahesh towards the end gets a fair and square opportunity at Jimson in one on one combat. Will he win? What happens to him and Jimsy’s love story? Towards the end every question is answered.
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