Directed by Nishikant Kamat, Lai Bhaari is a 2014 Marathi language film which also became one of the highest grossing films of Marathi cinema at that point in time and ran for 100 days straight. It also is the debut Marathi film of Riteish Deshmukh, and was remade in Odia. Pratap and Sumitra are a childless couple of 9 years who are often humiliated by society for not having a kid. Sumitra gets to know about the holy place of Lord Vitthal and decides to go there in hope of a child. Sumitra promises to give up her first baby to Lord Vitthal. Things work out, she gets pregnant and names her son Prince who goes abroad for education. The plot twist comes when Prince's cousin Sangram kills Pratap out of rivalry and later kills Prince too. But there's a look alike of Prince fighting for their revenge, who is he??
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