Laawaris, a 1981 movie, is directed by Prakash Mehra and is an action-drama and adventurous film. The movie starts with Vidya falling in love with Ranvir Singh played by Amjad Khan and becomes pregnant. While Ranvir asks her to abort the child, Vidya makes a hard decision to break up with Ranvir and leaves to stay with her brother. After Vidya gives birth to a boy, her brother gives away the child to Gangu Ganpat to kill him. Gangu Ganpat didn't kill the child for his own benefit but when the boy grew up, Gangu’s anger spilled with the truth, calling him an orphan. Heera, the orphan, played by Amitabh Bachchan leaves Gangu’s house and gets a job in a factory. Later, Heera realizes that the factory owner Mahendra Singh is not paying the workers according to their hard work and paid shifts. He fights against this wage system which angers Mahendra Singh. Mahendra Singh is Ranvir Singh’s son and happens to be Heera’s step-brother but everyone is still unaware of the truth. While Mohini, played by Zeenat Aman, falls in love with Heera, Mahendra plans to kill him. Towards the end of the movie, Heera comes under Ranvir’s good books without knowing his true identity.
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