King Liar is a 2019 Indian Malayalam film directed by Lal. This is a comedy drama film which follows the story of Sathyanarayan, a man of many talents - lying, persuading people, and accomplishing what he wants. He meets Anjali and later in the film realizes that they’re childhood friends. Sathyanarayan lies and says he’s a modelling agency manager and he’ll try to launch Anjali. They often meet and their friendship blossoms. However, opportunity strikes when a bigshot asks Sathyanarayan to do something, that is a job that only someone as persuasive as him can do. He has to stop a divorce by persuading a woman not to do so. Is he upto the task ? What will happen when Anjali learns of the secret? King Liar is a funny one and a refreshing take on deception and lies.
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