Directed and co-written by Abhishek Jain, Kevi Rite Jaish is a 2012 Gujarati drama film. The film stars Divyang Thakkar, Kenneth Desai, Veronica Kalpana-Gautam, Rakesh Bedi, Anang Desai and Tejal Panchasara. The storyline of this film is based on the Life of Patels- a farmer community from Gujarat, and how over the years, many of them have moved to the USA and now are ruling the Motel Industry. One such man named Harish Patel, played by Divyang Thakkar wants to go to the USA just like his father wanted but had to stay behind because of financial issues. The film depicts what all things Harish is doing to go to the USA and what happens after everything he tries doing. This film gave a wave to Gujarati cinema. The cinematography, music, production, acting and everything is fabulous. The film won as many as 7 awards at BIG Gujarati Entertainment Awards in 2012 and 10 awards at 12th Annual Transmedia Gujarati Screen & Stage awards including the award for the Best Film.
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