Kanjoos Makhichoos is a Hindi comedy-drama film written and directed by Vipul Mehta. The film portrays the penny-pinching attitude of Mr. Jamnaprasad Pandey. To him, every single aspect revolves around money and the means to save it. His family is tired and fed up with his bizarre lifestyle. No one truly understood why he chose to live like this and always argued with him for doing so. Later it is revealed that he did all this to fulfil his father's wish of going on a pilgrimage. However, fate had different plans for him. The film stars Kunal Kemmu, Shweta Tripathi, Piyush Mishra, Raju Srivastava, Rajiv Gupta, Alka Amin, Farooq Azam and Vikram Sharma in prominent roles.
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