Kade Dade Diyan Kade Pote Diyan is a 2023 Punjabi movie comedy romantic movie directed by Laada Siyan Ghuman. The movie focuses on a couple Gogo and Kamal who wants to get married but are unable to do so because of Kamal’s grandmother's disapproval. Frustrated and desperate, Goga prays for the grandmother’s death which ends up coming true. Unfortunately for him, her ghost starts showing up creating more problems and only he can see them. Finally, upon the advice of Notorious Baba, he summons his grandfather’s ghost to tackle Kamal’s grandmother’s ghost. But to make things even more confusing, the only person who can see his grandfather’s apparition is Kamal. The rest of the movie is filled with confusion and comedy forming a tribute to the power of love. The cast of the movie includes Simi Chahal, Seema Kaushal, Sukhwinder Chahal, B.N. Sharma, and Harish Verma among others.
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