Kaante, a 2002 movie, is directed by Sanjay Gupta. It is an action-crime and drama film. The movie involves a bank robbery planned by a gang of six members, who want the money to either rescue their love interest from someone or gain custody of their son, everyone has their reasons. Ajju played by Sanjay Dutt, Amitabh Bachchan as Yashvardhan Rampal, and all the others hatch a plan to rob the bank in which lies the funding for the Los Angeles Police Department. The robbery takes place with a gunfight, which leads to injuring Mak, played by Lucky Ali. Later, Ajju reveals that he has kidnapped the Police Chief and interrogates him. They learn that one of the gang members is a cop. While they doubt everyone, Ajju doubts Mak to be the one, but Rampal denies to believe him. Towards the end of the movie, Mak confesses to “Major”(Rampal) that he is the undercover cop, and he was the one who buzzed in the police when the robbery took place.
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