Jojo Rabbit, a 2019 movie, is directed by Taika Waititi, streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Hotstar, and HBO. It is a comedy and drama movie, based on the 2008 book “Caging Skies” by Christine Leunen. The movie stars Roman Griffin Davis, Thomasin McKenzie, and Taika Waititi. The movie is set in the later stages of World War II, as Taika wanted the world to remember the time that people were almost forgetting due to certain reasons. Johannes "Jojo", a 10-year-old, played by Roman Griffin Davis, is heavily indoctrinated with the Nazi ideals. Jojo was given the nickname "Jojo Rabbit" when he refused to kill a rabbit to prove his worthiness. Later Jojo(Roman Griffin Davis) finds Elsa, a Jewish girl in his attic, hid by Rosie, Jojo’s mother. While Jojo and Elsa cover the fact that Rosie can be executed for what she has done, Elsa is both saddened and amused by the Doctrine that Jojo believes. The movie shows the reality through Rosie's character when Rosie opposes the war and the Nazi doctrine and sticks up for her belief that positivity and optimism are the best ways to be free of oppression. According to director Taika Waititi, the film is based on his mother’s favorite book, Caging Skies, by Christine Leunens.
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