Johnny Gaddaar, a 2007 movie, is directed by Sriram Raghavan and is a crime-drama and mystery movie. The movie involves a deal made by five members of a group to invest fifty lakh each on drugs to make a profit of more than fifty lakh. Betrayal follows when one of the group members, Vikram, played by Neil Nitin Mukesh, plans to steal all the money from the train where the deal is going to take place. He plans to steal the money and emigrate to Canada with Mini, played by Rimi Sen, who is Shardul's wife. Later, the plan fails when Vikram kills Shiva after he sees his face. The trail of murder follows when each one of the group tends to find out Vikram’s truth. Towards the end of the movie, Kalyan, Prakash, and Dharmendra as Sheshadri get killed by Vikram when they learn the truth. Varsha, Prakash’s wife, although kills Vikram at the end, mistaking him to be Shardul, whom she thought to be the killer of her husband.
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