Directed and written by Shital Shah, Hutututu: Aavi Ramat Ni Rutu is a Gujarati comedy drama film released in the year 2016. The film stars Bansri Bhuptani, Parth Oza, Abhay Chandarana, Ankit Joshipura, Kishan Gadhvi, Jayesh Parmar, Vishal Shah and Mehool Desai. The storyline of this film revolves around the life of two brothers, Yashwardhan, played by Abhay Chandarana and Aditya, played by Ankit Joshipura. Both of the brothers get into a discussion about whether a man can change his intrinsic character, and choose to test their hypotheses. The film is overall based on ambitions, relationships, youth, and the twists of our destiny. The script is very well executed and acting by the lead roles is on point.
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