The narrative unfolds in phases in the life of Arun Neelakandan, the film takes the viewers on a journey across a decade, as the viewers are familiarised with his engineering day, his love story with Darshana in Chennai, and his eventual life as a married man. A light-hearted film, Hridayam revolves around the transformations in life, and how people tend to have an effect on each other's lives move through various junctures and decisions. The chart-busting songs have been composed by music director Hisham Abdul Wahab. It has been produced by Visakh Subramaniam and Noble Babu Thomas under their respective banners Merryland Cinemas and Big Bang Entertainments. This is the lead actor's, Pranav Mohanlal, the second film to release during the pandemic, after Marakkar Lion of the Arabian Sea which starred his legendary father. Vineeth Sreenivasan has directed Hridayam.
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