Hellaro is an award winning Gujarati drama film released in the year 2019. It is directed and co-written by Abhishek Shah. The film stars Jayesh More, Aarjav Trivedi, Shraddha Dangar, Kausambhi Bhatt, Brinda Trivedi Nayak, Shachi Joshi, Niilam Paanchal and Tejal Panchasara. The film is the directorial debut of Abhishek Shah. The storyline of this film revolves around the lives of women living in a village of Kutch and how they are suffering male dominance, domestic violence because of the patriarchal society. A girl named Manjhri, performed by Shraddha Dangar gets married to a man of this village. She joins the group of women who go to a distant water body to fetch water and one day they meet a man who is a Dholi, which changes everything. The cast and crew of this film has done everything perfectly whether it is acting, cinematography, sound, direction or production. The film has received many awards including the Best Feature Film Award at the 66th National Film Awards.
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