Helen, released in 2019, is directed by Mathukutty Xavier and falls into the survival and thriller genre. This Malayalam movie stars Anna Ben as Helen Paul, streaming on MX Player and Amazon Prime Video. The winner of the Kerala State Film Award and Movie Street Film Awards 2020 for different categories depicts the story of a woman Helen who is a nurse and dreams to lead a life abroad. As the plot develops, situations take an ugly turn for Helen, thus on the verge of dying. Helen made her father proud when she survived death, which no one could have gone through in her place. The chills, kindness, survival, and thrill binding the plot came out exceptional enough for the movie to win the Critics Choice Film Awards 2020 for four different categories. This thriller film made its way to be remade in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi language. The remake of Helen for Hindi-language has been acquired by Boney Kapoor, with Jahnvi Kapoor in the shoes of Anna Ben.
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