Heaven, a 2002 movie, is directed by Tom Tykwer, streaming on Amazon Prime Video. It is a romantic-thriller and crime film, starring Cate Blanchett, Giovanni Ribisi, and Remo Girone. The movie is set in Turin, Italy, where a young Italian, Filippo, played by Giovanni Ribisi, learns to fly a helicopter using a flight simulator. His instructor warns him not to take the chopper higher than he should when he crashes the virtual helicopter by ascending it too dramatically. Later, Philippa, played by Cate Blanchett, prepares a bomb to plant in the downtown office of a high-ranking businessman. Even though her plan could have worked out, a cleaner empties the garbage bin, in which the bomb is placed, and explodes in an elevator, killing four people. With everything going on at a correct pace the storyline, however, does not entertain according to some of the critics.
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